
LOST CAT: Black/Brown/Orange tabby cat called Lyra - New Malden area, Kingston upon Thames

This report is now closed.

Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: Lyra
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Black/Brown/Orange tabby
Went missing: 4 years ago
(25 September 2019 at around 08:00hrs)
Location: Coombe Lane, London SW20 0BD, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 8 years old (approx)
Sex: Female
Collar: pink
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: She has a distinctive face, one half lighter than the other.
Circumstances: Lyra has recently been re-housed with us and is unfamiliar with the area. She managed to get out of the house and has not been seen since 25 September. She is timid but very friendly.
Other info: She has a collar with a bell and a capsule containing our contact details.
Our ref: PR54270
Posted on: 27 September 2019
Posted by: NickToonNickToon

Where Lyra went missing:

Coombe Lane, London SW20 0BD, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
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Report added to alert dispatch queue for local Vets and Rescue Centres around New Malden, Kingston upon Thames, Greater London.
'Missing Pet' poster and flyer created
PetWatch™ follow up reminder scheduled for 04 October 2019
Local Vets and Rescue Centres reminder scheduled for 04 October 2019
Report dispatched via email to local Vets and Rescue Centres.
Report dispatched via email to local Vets and Rescue Centres.
Report dispatched via email to local Vets and Rescue Centres.
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Report dispatched via email to our local PetWatch alert subscribers.
lauragoulding If you have used litter put that around streets leading home or the contents of vacuum bag Also get something you’ve worn like a t shirt with your scent in cut it up into tiny pieces leave trail around streets to home Go out calling him in the early hours like 3am say as when it’s quiet cats come out. Call him then stop & listen as he could be hiding behind bins masking his meow Even put your own urine in water bottle & squirt around streets leading to home put some in garden too cats are brilliant at smelling & the wind will blow smell to where they can pick up the scent Blitz the area with posters especially high footfall areas like supermarkets high streets carparks leaflets through as many doors as possible get friends to help go out in posse’s Most cats are locked in somewhere especially if people are on holiday or building works !! Try going out early morning 3am calling & even look into houses that have builders in as some cats get in through open window then get shut in so call through letter boxes of empty houses Have you registered here This was on another cats missing page IMPORTANT- WATCH SONYA FITZPATRICK ON YOUTUBE - HOW TO FIND YOUR LOST CAT Ask/BEG people to check in their sheds, esp the people with gardens near you. Unfortunately MANY people can be lazy and they don’t thoroughly check sheds. They may think cats are like dogs and will just run out. Cats WILL STAY hiding in fear, esp in a shed or garage. So, personally, I would ask if YOU could gently COAX him/her out. Then constantly explain to shed/garage owner that you are convinced he/she is behind stuff that may be stacked up, with gaps that will be behind stuff. Tell them that your cat can SQUEEZE into tiny spaces and will be too nervous to come out for a stranger. Then BEG for permission to search and reassure cat to come to you, which could take 10-15 minutes. Don’t forget that people may imagine you are a ‘bogus caller/thief, so you need to be extremely reassuring as well as emotional. All the time you are talking to shed/garage owner talk in a calming way, so your cat can hear you being reassuring. It’s a difficult ‘act’ being very concerned AND calm at the same time! xxx ps if they refuse to let you retrieve your cat from their shed then instruct them to leave food at the entrance of the door, and leave door open for a couple of hours at least, and take some smelly tinned fish in plastic trays from recycling bag/box to give them. Ask them to leave water at the entrance of the shed/garage also. Your cat will come out to the food then. ????10 TIPS TO HELP TO BRING YOUR CAT HOME???? 1.Put familiar smells outside, bedding used litter tray, contents of hoover 2.Call softly late at night or early morning when quiet. IMPORTANT wait for a response, they may be close by, hiding under a hedge or somewhere that is sheltered 3.Check with neighbours, and Postie. 4.Make a poster with their photo, location lost, your contact details, put poster at eye level around your area, and give to neighbours 5.Make smaller posters to put through doors close to where they escaped from, as not everyone is online/on Facebook 6.Contact local vets, and animal rescues/shelters 7.Put on more Facebook sites, and share to all animal sites around you 8.If chipped contact chip company,they may have been advised of a cat that has been found with your details 9.Also if there are any empty houses in the vicinity, check to see if they have a cat flap or an open window. 10. Notify council cleansing department JUST in case. Cats dont wander far normally, when they need to go searching for food, so leave biscuits and water nearby your home. The info below will say about putting things out that has familiar smells. Sprinkling some of your wee around, from a bottle, will also 'scent' your area. Look at satellite view on Google Map of where your cat could walk. See where there is a gap between buildings. Start a trail of wee in a water bottle from where gardens or courtyards border on to alleyways from the side of buildings, and then sprinkle along inside edge of pavement where a cat would spray all the way home. Choose different directions, each time walking home with empty bottle calling louder when you start your return journey and quieter as you near home to make scent and sound the leading influence on your hiding cat xx As you are walking back home try not to sound anxious as you call, and wait for a reply, as he/she wont just run out to meet you if he/she feels afraid. Take a toy on a stick and string to lure him/her out from hedges. Never call as you walk AWAY from home. Join xx Join all if not back soon - (Just look in Please notify them as soon as you are reunited. When putting posters up - please please - keep track of how many posters you display, and WHERE, and so as soon as you are reunited then every one is removed. General advice in catching a fearful cat - NOT to approach when bending forwards with arms and hands outstretched. NOT staring directly at a fearful cat, showing teeth when smiling and constantly repeating name. Not walking directly towards a cat. Best way - sit/lie down, with scattered worn clothes in front/all around. Food left nearby - preferably in a trap. Talking quietly, no noise nearby, keeping dogs or children or spectators at a real distance to avoid distractions xx
I helped a young girl find her cat by literally blitzing area with posters! She had left cat with a friend while she was on holiday it was an indoor cat but the sitter left a window open & he escaped! The owner was frantic as she actually lived a 2hr drive away! She drove up every other day looking & putting up posters & posted flyers (pets reunited Do great poster & if you upgrade to VIP they send you 50 posters) cheaper than printing youreself!! Please put a reward too. Well after 18 days a lady’s cat walked in her house followed by the missing cat! She had seen the posters & rang the owner who rushed there at 3am! A lovely reunion ?? I think the total blanketing if area with posters did it as people just notice one or two posters & walk on maybe not even registering !! But sooo many posters really does impact on people! & the lady who found him was able to just walk outside her door to see a poster on a lamppost to get the telephone number! She didn’t have to traipse around at 3am looking for a poster
Having leafleted and fly-posted around the neighbourhood I was called by someone after two weeks to say they'd seen the cat in their garden. When I went round the cat was still there and is now safe home.
Report closed by NickToon with an outcome of: Safely back home

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