
FOUND CAT: Tabby cat - Banbury area, Oxfordshire

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Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Tabby
Found: 10 years ago
(11 February 2014 at around 15:00hrs)
Location: Middleton Road, Grimsbury, opp Co-op, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16, UK
Health: Injured or unwell
Age: 8 years old
Sex: Unknown
Collar: No
Microchipped: Not sure
Markings: Back leg is lame. This could be from a recent incident.
Circumstances: In our back garden where it seems to be staying, perhaps because the lame back paw is preventing it from returning home?
Other info: CAT TALE - DAY 1 I first noticed "Kitty", as I've dubbed him/her, curled up on an open grass area in our back garden 3 days ago. I thought it odd for a cat to sleep in such an exposed area as they usually curl up in more of a protected spot. It is not one of the cats I usually see around our back yard, so I approached Kitty to see if it was a friendly one that wanted to say "Hi". Alas, no hellos. The cat got up immediately and limped towards the garden wall. It had a lame back paw but could walk on the other 3 paws. Kitty doesn't appear to be unkempt and has clean fur and bright eyes. The only issue seems to be the lame leg. CAT TALE - DAY 2 Yesterday, I spotted the cat again. Now I noticed it's back paw was shaking badly. Kitty had found a sheltered spot to take refuge in a nice bed of straw in our garden. I offered out a bowl of water and later on took photos. Last night, Kitty was still in the sheltered spot and we offered a box to sleep in and some pieces of lamb from my husband's supper. CAT TALE - DAY 3 When my husband checked at 7:30AM, Kitty was still in the box. I checked at about 9:30AM and Kitty was nestled deeply in the cardboard box. It doesn't look like any of the water has been lapped up, but some of the lamb is gone (hopefully in Kitty's tummy). I have more photos I can send if it would help.
Our ref: PR31520
Posted on: 13 February 2014
Posted by: SabrinaTuscanySabrinaTuscany

Where this cat was found:

Middleton Road, Grimsbury, opp Co-op, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16, UK

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Report received on the Animal Finders system.
Report approved by Administrator.
Report distributed to relevant organisations on the Official Alert Network for Banbury.
DAY 4: I had been in touch with Cherwell Cats Protection and they sent 2 volunteers to capture Kitty to get him checked over. We successfully caged him for transport and his lame paw didn't end up being too severe after all. Phew. In addition to posting my notice on Animal Finders, I also posted an ad on Gumtree. DAY 5: It was the Gumtree ad that led to "Tigger" being reunited with owner Julia. She replied to my Gumtree ad, I called her and gave her Cherwell Cats Protection's number. Cat & owner were reunited, and this evening Julia let me know Tigger is stretched out on the family sofa at home... as if he had never been away. Happy Valentine's to Tigger and Julia! And they all lived happily ever after.
Report closed by SabrinaTuscany.

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