
LOST CAT: Orange, black and white cat called Lyra - Reading area, Berkshire

This report is now closed.

Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: Lyra
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Orange, black and white
Went missing: over a year ago
(12 July 2022 at around 20:00hrs)
Location: Reading RG7 3FE, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 3 years old
Sex: Spayed Female
Collar: Orange with a red bell
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: Distinct colourings of orange and brown with light brown eyes
Circumstances: She is new(ish) to the outdoors, she usually stays close by. She went out and hasn't returned home.
Our ref: PR87271
Posted on: 13 July 2022
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Where Lyra went missing:

Reading RG7 3FE, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report is now online.
Report added to PetWatch™ alert dispatch queue.
Report added to alert dispatch queue for local Vets and Rescue Centres around Reading, Berkshire.
'Missing Pet' poster and flyer created
PetWatch™ follow up reminder scheduled for 20 July 2022
Local Vets and Rescue Centres reminder scheduled for 20 July 2022
Report dispatched via email to local Vets and Rescue Centres.
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Hi, Hi, I have seen your Pets Reunited post of your missing pussy-cat and shared it to various Facebook Groups in Mortimer and Burghfield
Here are some ideas that you may not have thought of....: Have you done posters (preferably laminated cos of the weather) and leafletted your neighbours and spoken to them and asked if you can check their outbuildings. If it has been a few days since do some more with an updated date and saying still missing so people know to continue keeping their eyes peeled. Put the posters (preferably in colour) which are either protected by plastic pockets, the pockets upside down to stop water getting in, or laminated, which is even better, onto noticeboards, shops, churches, etc. and if you have already done that then do some more and update them with the current date and say still missing. When walking around speak to neighbours in the street, parent(s) and children (kids are great at keeping an eye out and spreading the word), milkman, postman, anyone you can think of who will listen. Hand a leaflet to everyone you have contact with. Ask your neighbours to check their gardens, sheds, vehicles, etc. and see if they would mind you checking yourself as your cat may be too frightened to respond to the householder and perhaps less hearing your voice, though cats do get scared generally when lost. When you spoke to your vets local (and please contact ones that are not so local as your cat may have got into a vehicle or taken by someone due to an accident to their local vets) and ask for your cat to be added to their Lost and Found and to be posted on their Facebook page. When my cat went missing he was found due to a poster as the neighbour was not on social media. So it is vital to do the "old fashioned" search as well. Put out the following in and around your garden to help guide your cat home by way of familiar scents: • spread his used litter around • empty the contents of vacuum cleaner around • hang out used clothing on the washing line; especially nightwear, gymwear, etc. • leave his cat bed outside • smelly shoes Speak to the microchip company to update them that your cat is missing and check information is current. Speak to your local council to check they have not picked your cat up. Never give up hope. I have heard of stories of cats being reunited 10+ years later. Just continue with your search as if it is Day 1 of your search, over and over again until you hear something. Have you checked Gumtree and pets for sale sections on local papers, etc.? Perhaps put an advert in the local papers. Speak to animal rescue as well; small ones and the large ones. Check various Found Cat Facebook Groups too e.g.: · FOUND CATS NATIONWIDE · Found cats only UK · Found long term sighted and stray pets UK& IRL · Found paws cats uk & irl. · ONLY FOUND CATS – UK & IRELAND There are many Found Groups and some a specific to breed too. Join and post local Facebook Lost & Found Pets, Lost & Found Cats, Lost & Found, Animals, Gossip Girls, Gossip Guys, Breed specific, etc. Groups. Perhaps join these Internet sites: · Found cats only UK · Found long term sighted and stray pets UK& IRL · Found paws cats uk & irl. · ONLY FOUND CATS – UK & IRELAND Perhaps join these Internet sites: · Pets Relocated · PetsReunited · · · This video below is very useful on “how to find your cat” It is very important to physically search for your fur baby, doing posters (protected with laminate or upside down plastic wallets) leaflets, speaking to neighbours and contacting all the local vets. Not everyone is on social media or the internet. Have you checked pets for sale, Shpock, Gumtree, Pets4Sale, Freeads, local papers as people steal for cash. Mine went missing for 18 days and he was found from a poster. The neighbour that found him was not using social media so if it wasn't for the poster he may never have been reunited with us.
Report closed by with an outcome of: Safely back home

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